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Kunekune Piglets with Mum - 5 Pictures

Life on a small croft in the Highlands of Scotland with pictures, places and more on Scotland and the Scottish Highlands

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Kunekune piglets with mum, Picture 1

Picture 1 of kunekune piglets with mum

Kunekune piglets with mum, Picture 2

Picture 2 of kunekune piglets with mum, Gretel.

Kunekune piglets with mum, Picture 3

Kunekune piglets with mum picture 3

Kunekune piglets with mum, Picture 4

Kunekune piglets with mum picture 4

Kunekune piglets with mum, Picture 5

Kunekune piglets with mum picture 5. In this picture you can see Georgie, our pet kunekune pig, being held up to his mum to help him get milk.

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